Hi everybody, welcome to DEMO, the show where companies come in and they show us their latest products and services. Today, we have a special episode. Zscaler is going to show us their data protection offering, but they’re not here. Instead, we’re going to go out to San Francisco and meet one of our co-hosts, Brandon Mahne. Brandon, take it away.
Thanks, Keith. I’m here today talking data security with the Zscaler team. Welcome, Moinul, would you like to introduce yourself?
Absolutely, Brandon. First of all, thanks for having me, I really appreciate it. My name is Moinul Khan. I’m Senior Vice President and General Manager for Zscaler data security business.
Welcome. We are excited to have you on the show. We’re talking about data security, a hot button item. Why don’t you tell us about Zscaler’s data protection and how it helps keep data secure?
Yeah, absolutely. With distributed data, with the cloud and mobility, enterprise customers are facing a lot of complexities when think about data security, data is everywhere. There are a lot of data flows going on between user to applications, between applications to applications, between API to API. And what we really strive to achieve, when we think about this data security, is how can we deliver a fully integrated, very comprehensive data security solution for all different type of use cases. So if you look at our current solution today, we are protecting structured data and unstructured data. We are protecting it for data in motion, data at rest, and data in use. What that really means is with one single classification engine, you can protect all your exfiltration channels. Your exfiltration channels are web and SaaS-based services, the data that is sitting in public cloud infrastructure. There is sensitive data sitting on the endpoint. A lot of data breaches are happening through corporate exchange and corporate Gmail, and there is a lot of data security concerns when employees are using their BYOD and personal assets. And once again, what we strive for is a fully comprehensive data security platform, one classification engine that is protecting all your exfiltration channels.
Sounds amazing, I’m excited to see it today. You know, as a chief technology officer, I know how I would use this, but who else is going to utilize this software, who is your target?
This is primarily for CISOs. When you think about CISOs, this is for enterprise customers. So small enterprise customer, mid-sized enterprise customers, large enterprise customers, Fortune 500 companies. Everybody needs data security, right? Data breaches are happening everywhere, in all kinds of verticals.
So this is really for the security team, SaaS organization, and as they start to grow, what do you see? Are the problems that you’re trying to solve in a first, second or third?
The data breaches look at how [they are] evolving. It is evolving in many different ways. Just about a couple of years ago, our customers would say, “Do you have a DLP solution, data loss prevention?” people were looking for CASB, cloud access security brokers, for their cloud traffic. Today if you ask me what are some of those hot topics: GenAI security. The users, they’re crazy about these GenAI applications. They want to use ChatGPT, they want to use Gemini. These tools are making these employees super productive. So they want to use it, yep, but the concern for the CISO is, are we leaking our sensitive data? Are we losing our intellectual property? This space is constantly evolving because of the new trend in the market.
I see it every single day and all the conversations that I have is on everybody’s mind. So if it weren’t for Zscaler, what else would people be doing today? A homegrown solution? How do you solve this?
Organizations, they’re trying to do data security for years, but the main problem is the complexities that existed in the market for last 15-20, years, and they’re stuck with compliance. They’re not really solving the data security problem, the number one issue that we see in the market is these enterprise customers. They’re stuck with six, seven different DLP products. When all these different DLP products are running, they’re all disjointed, they’re all stand-alone products, point solutions. So the way to really focus on the data security issue is one single classification engine. You can create policy once and then the same policy should be applicable. Doesn’t matter if the users are working from offices or they’re remote, they’re working from home. Doesn’t matter what devices they’re on. All of that needs to be covered with a fully integrated solution, and that’s exactly what we are delivering to the market.
Outstanding. I’m excited to see it. Take it away.
So Brandon, what I’m going to do is, you know, we are pressed for time. I can’t really show you all the tools, but two tools are really driving a lot of adoption today. The first one is GenAI security. I’m going to show you how we secure GenAI, and then I will also demonstrate DSPM, data security posture management. This is a hot topic. This is all about securing data in public cloud infrastructure.
So let’s start with GenAI security. What we really do is, we are a man in the middle proxy. That means all internet traffic, our customers’ internet traffic, they’re egressing through our proxy. We have a very scaled infrastructure. This is all cloud delivered security. We have 160 data centers around the world. We are inspecting 500 billion internet transactions today, so it’s very easy first to provide that visibility. The first thing we do is, you know how many applications your users are using, how they are using it, what kind of data leaks that are happening. So if you as an administrator, when someone logs into our interface, our zero trust exchange interface, right away, they can get that visibility. In this particular test instance, I am demonstrating that a total of 18 applications are being utilized. As you can see on the screen, different type of users are using it. We slice and dice the data in many different ways. So we are telling you what applications are being used. What kind of usage trend that we see over months and weeks and days, what kind of data that is actually leaving the company? As you can see, people are uploading source code, people are uploading resumes and finance data and so on and so forth. What are the top users, which groups and departments they’re coming from, right? What kind of prompt themes? Because when someone is using to ChatGPT, it’s all about the prompts, right? What exactly they’re asking, so our users will start at a high level visibility, and then now all these widgets are basically asking lots of questions. I want to analyze more. So when I hit analyze more, I will be able to gather more data, like I can slice and dice the data. So in this case, I can see that 13 users are using ChatGPT, and when I click on what kind of data that they are exchanging, I can see that they are basically putting different types of source code on the prompt. And then these are some of the users. Now one of the interesting things that we do is, not only do we give you this level of visibility, but we can go one level deeper [and show] what exactly they are typing on the prompt. So when I click on view prompts, you are going to actually find more interesting data. You will see the exact prompt. So in this case, I can see some of the users are telling me, please optimize my source code. So this is really bad.
Because as you can see, like the employees, if there is a software engineer in your company, and if they are cutting and pasting their company source code, and they are asking ChatGPT to fix the source code, this is not good. First of all, your data left the company, this is your intellectual property, and then the user should not be doing it. So that’s the visibility aspect of it, right?
But Zscaler, we are not just a visibility company. We are prevention focused. So in this particular case, what I’m going to demonstrate is I’m going to create a policy, and I’m going to say if the next time a user tries to do it, we’re not going to allow you to do it. So let us see it. So, as you can see when we go to the administrative administration tab, I can create a data loss prevention policy, because this is all about the data that I am trying to protect. And what I am going to show you is a policy that I created. One thing that you are going to notice that our policy can be very flexible and very granular. So in this particular case, I am saying I want to protect my source code. This policy does not have to be applied to every single user in the company. It can be based on specific users. Are there groups and departments, their location, and as you can see, the policy can also be applicable to a specific application, like ChatGPT, or there are hundreds of other general applications that we have in our database. So you can pick and choose what you want to do. You can select all if you want. But at the end of the day, in this policy, what I saying is does not matter which user is it, which groups and departments they are coming from. If anybody is trying to upload source code to the ChatGPT application, then block it.
So now that I have this policy in place, I would like to do a live demo. So I’m going to ChatGPT. If I go to ChatGPT, and if I say hello world, that’s not a problem. It’s hello world. But now I’m a software, software developer, and I’m going to now put my source code so I’m going to say, optimize my source code. So obviously, ChatGPT is saying, OK, give me your source code. So I have this window, I am going to copy it and let me just paste it, and then when I ask ChatGPT to now optimize my source code, let’s see what happens. Right away, Zscaler, again, man in the middle proxy, we are seeing this transaction, and Zscaler blocked this transaction, and it is also coaching and notifying the user. It’s saying, “Hey, posting source code in this company is not allowed.” So again, it’s a simple demo, but as you can see, it could be very, very powerful, because we are looking at the content, we are inspecting the content, and we are dictating what the user can do and cannot do. So this is not about being a sledge hammer that blocks ChatGPT or blocks all GenAI applications. We are enabling users to use these applications, because these applications make them productive, but we are looking at the content and we are protecting the intellectual property. So that was Gen AI security. Does that make sense?
It makes total sense. Super cool. I love the feedback. Really impressive set of features. What else are we going to see today?
Ok, now we are going to talk about another topic, which is DSPM. As I mentioned earlier, dspm is data security posture management. The concern here is that every organization, they’re storing petabytes of data in public cloud infrastructure like AWS, Azure and GCP [Google Cloud Platform], that data needs to be protected, and that’s exactly what we do with our DSPM solution. So let me give you a quick demo.
When you log into the console, the first thing we try to tell you is what kind of data that your users are storing in the public cloud infrastructure. So this is all about data discovery and visibility. As you can see, I have in my environment, I’m storing PCI data, I’m storing sensitive credentials. I have lot of medical information, HIPAA-related information, and so on and so forth. Now we all know that the data that is in public cloud infrastructure, of course, it’s the company’s data. Lot of data should be sensitive. But why do you care? You need to then look at the security risk when the data is sitting there, is that data have the right posture? Is it sitting in the right environment, and is it always protected so and that’s exactly what we do. First, we do the data discovery, and then right away, we tell you, do you have any data security risk? How do you see the risk in public cloud infrastructure, if I am storing sensitive PII data, is it exposed from an open S3 bucket? If I have sensitive data sitting on a disk, on the volume or easy to instance, is it vulnerable? Does it have does that easy to instance, have vulnerability?
The other problem is identity and entitlement. There are petabytes of data. Thousands of users have access to that data, but there are millions of roles. So are there any entitlements issue? Are there any privilege access issue? All of that can be answered through our DSPM tool. So we did the data discovery. Now let’s look at security risk, right? So I’m just picking on this particular EC2 instance, and then it’s telling me there are 11 alerts. In a very nice graphical way, we basically draw the picture, right? So I’m basically saying this is the EC2 instance. It is connected to three external user roles, different type of services are connected. Five internal users are connected to these EC2 instances at the same time in the picture, I am telling you that this EC2 instance has lot of vulnerabilities. It is connected to a large volume of data and different type of sensitive data. Now nobody has time for 19,000 alerts. It has to be consumable, and that’s exactly what we focus on. How do you correlate all of the signals so that you can focus on highest priority risk, right? So what I’m going to do is, instead of clicking on 11 alerts, let’s pick one alert. So I’m going to pick on this right away. It’s telling you why this is risky, because it’s telling you that an EC2 instance, it is containing sensitive data, but it is exposed publicly with a public URL, and then the same easy to instance has vulnerabilities and IMDs version one enabled. So right away, if you want to dig deeper, you can click here, it will tell you why this is publicly exposed. We show that entire path. It is publicly exposed from the internet because there is a bad security group. So right away, it actually tells you what the problem is, rather than just keeping it at a very high level. You know you can just dig through these details, and you can take one step at a time, and then you can quickly remediate all the all the risk that you have. The DSPM, once again, it’s all about securing massive amount of data, but when we are alerting you, it’s highly correlated. We are taking the definition of sensitive data. We are identifying sensitive data. We are looking at misconfigurations, public exposure, vulnerability, identity and entitlement issues. So does that make sense?
It does, this is an agent that’s running in my cloud instance. Then we talked about man in the middle on the last one. This is something else.
Very good questions. Basically, what we are doing is we are putting our scanners on your public cloud infrastructure. So these are all local scanners. It’s locally scanning all the data, finding all of these issues. We are using APIs from AWS, Azure and GCP, and then all of that analytics is coming to our console so that you can navigate through these issues and take remediation action.
Outstanding, very cool. Well, this has been an amazing demo. I really appreciate it. Thanks to Zscaler for coming in today. If they want to learn more, if our viewers are interested, and where do they go to find that?
Please come to www.zscaler.com, you are going to find tons of demos, lot of collateral there, and you should be able to take the next steps.
Fantastic. Well, thank you so much for your time today. Keith, throwing it back to you.
Thanks, Brandon. That’s all the time we have for today’s show. Be sure to like the video, subscribe to the channel and add any thoughts you have below. Join us every week for new episodes of DEMO. I’m Keith Shaw, thanks for watching.