“Like all companies, we depend on data provided by big tech, but for specific activities, DaaS is an important solution to combat activities that can damage our business,” he says.

An innovation for CIOs: measuring IT with KPIs

CIOs discuss sales targets with CEOs and the board, cementing the IT and business bond. But another even more innovative aspect is to not only make IT a driver of revenues, but also have it measure IT with business indicators. This is a form of advanced convergence achieved by following specific methodologies. Sondrio People’s Bank (BPS), for example, adopted business relationship management, which deals with translating requests from operational functions to IT and, vice versa, bringing IT into operational functions. BPS also adopts proactive thinking, a risk-based framework for strategic alignment and compliance with business objectives.

“When IT converges with business, you don’t just evaluate the good functioning of IT, like how many servers or endpoints are managed in the company, but you also measure the IT initiative with business indicators,” explains Stefano Ernesto Garancini, manager in the IT governance team at BPS. “For example, IT builds an application that allows you to sell a company service or product. Consequently, you measure not only whether the application works correctly, but how many products are sold thanks to the application, how many human resources are involved, how much time is reduced along the distribution chain, and other similar parameters. This way, the IT initiative has business objectives and indicators, allowing you to monitor target achievement and activate action plans in the event these targets aren’t achieved.” 


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